Beardsley Farmers Elevator Co.


 Office (320)265-6933    

Main House (320)265-0115

Tower (320)265-6181 

Barry (320)748-7436

Office Hours:  Monday - Friday   

8:00 AM - 5:00 PM






FREE DP on Corn, Beans and Wheat 



We are pleased to announce that our Board of Directors have approved another reduction in the age requirement for retirement of patronage equity.  Our current retirement age is 68.

* Trading hours starting 7-6-15..Electronic markets open at 7:00 p.m., and break at 7:45 a.m.and  resumes at 8:30 a.m. and close at 1:20p.m.

*Beardsley Farmers Elevator will not accept grains, oilseeds or wheat containing transgenic events not approved for U.S. export markets; such markets to include, but not limited to Canada, China, South Korea, the European Union, Japan and Mexico.

*Beardsley Farmers Elevator has ZERO TOLERANCE for treated seed occurring in grain.  Make sure all equipment is thoroughly cleaned and inspected before using it for grain. 

Our mobile site is:  //

BFEC Cash Bids
Name Delivery Start Basis Month Cash Price Futures Change

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Quotes are delayed, as of February 13, 2025, 01:48:21 PM CST or prior.
All grain prices are subject to change at any time.
Cash bids are based on 10-minute delayed futures prices, unless otherwise noted.
Market Snapshot
Quotes are delayed, as of February 13, 2025, 01:48:21 PM CST or prior.
National Newswire
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Market News/Commentary
Cattle Bouncing Higher on Thursday -

Live cattle futures are trading with Thursday midday strength so far, as contracts are up 37 cents to $1.025. Cash trade has kicked off this week at

Cotton Facing Midday Weakness on Thursday -

Cotton futures are trading with Thursday losses of 58 to 66 points across most contracts at midday. The outside markets should be supportive factors

Wheat Posting Midday Gains Following 7-Week High in Export Business -

The wheat complex is trading with gains across the three main markets on Thursday. Chicago SRW futures are posting 2 to 3 cent gains in the front

Soybeans Back to Higher Trade on Thursday’s Midday -

The soybean market is seeing bulls push back on Thursday with midday gains of 2 to 3 cents. The national front month Cash Bean price from cmdtyView

Hogs Showing Mixed Midday Trade -

Lean hog futures are trading with midday moves of 15 cents lower to slightly higher on Thursday. The CME Lean Hog Index was up another 89 cents on

Corn Showing Mixed Trade on Thursday -

Corn price action at Thursday’s midday is mixed, with nearby contracts up 1 to 3 cents and new crop December down 1 ¼ cents. CmdtyView’s

Full commentary...

The CME Group Intercontinental Exchange